Odyssey of the Mind

Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition for students of all ages.

Teams of students select a problem, create a solution, then present their solution in a competition against other teams in the same problem and division.  There are many nuances of the program, but here are some of the basics of participation:

  • Students work in teams of up to seven members under the guidance of an adult coach.
  • Teams spend weeks or months, at their own pace, creating solutions to long-term problems.
  • This includes Style enhancements.
  • Team members come up with all the ideas for their solution and do all the work themselves.
  • Coaches may help teach skills and educate the team on ways of approaching the problem and of evaluation their solution.
  • Teams work within the cost limit stated in the problem.
  • Teams have 8 minutes to present their long-term problem solution in competition.
  • Teams are scored for meeting the requirements of the problem and for creativity in categories specific to each problem.
  • At the competition, teams are presented a spontaneous problem to solve on site.
  • A team's standing in competition is determined by its combined Long-Term score, Style score, and Spontaneous score.
  • To solve a problem, teams must follow the general rules in this guide, limitations in the problem, and clarifications issued during the year.

Form more information visit: Delaware Odyssey of the Mind
Or contact our Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator: Mrs. Wilson

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